News & Insides
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In 2017, where did money get made and lost? So, where did savvy investors find success in 2017? With cash holdings offering little attraction due to low returns, investors were forced to be adaptable in their pursuit of decent returns while balancing risk and rewards. Martin Bamford, a chartered financial planner at Informed Choice, concurred […]

The Great Lakes Protection Fund: What is it? This is a publicly funded, privately managed company that was established in 1989 by the governors of states surrounding the Great Lakes in North America. Its primary mission is to utilize a one-time injection of public funds to test and implement initiatives aimed at enhancing the health […]

What you should know about the Nikkei 225 index of Japan The Nikkei 225 serves as the primary gauge for assessing the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s performance. Comprising 225 domestic stocks chosen from the most liquid shares within the exchange’s premier section, where the most prominent blue-chip companies are listed. This index adopts a price-weighted methodology, […]

Do airline investors anticipate a rough ride? The recent collapse of Monarch Airlines and the pilot scheduling issues faced by Ryanair have brought the aviation industry into the spotlight. Are these incidents isolated turbulence or indicative of broader risks for airline investments? Monarch’s administration may have caught passengers off guard, but signs of trouble emerged […]

A new dotcom bubble in cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrencies may be a novel concept, but the cautionary tales surrounding them have roots dating back to the Lydian electrum trite of 600BC, believed to be the world’s first minted coin. “Caveat emptor” (let the buyer beware), “The love of money is the root of all evil,” “All that […]